Saturday, January 5, 2013

Passion 2013 and the great deception

On the BBC blogroll you can find links to several discernment ministry websites.  I sincerely hope that you folks, especially BBC folks, that come by here, also check out those sites regularly.  The Church in America has been in theological trouble for as long as I have been a Christian, and things seem to have reached critical levels. 

I'm not going to try and say again the things you can hear and read for yourself in these links, but I think it very important that you hear them somewhere.

Part One of Worldview Weekend Jan. 3, 2013

Brannon’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Brannon and Chris discuss Passion 2013 taking place in Atlanta, Georgia with 60,000 “Christian” college students in attendance. Brannon and Chris break down some of the things being taught that do not line up with the Bible as well as analyze the worldview of speaker Judah Smith and organizer Louie Giglio. Topic: One of the musical groups at Passion 2013 is a group called “Jesus Culture”. Research Erin Benziger reports that this music group came out of the Church of New Apostolic Reformation proponent and Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California; Bill Johnson. Erin reports that one of the band members by the name of Kim Walker-Smith claims that she spoke with Jesus and that He cuddled her. Is this the promotion of mysticism? Topic: Has the Passion 2013 conference been conveying a worldview of social justice, dominion theology, community and collective salvation and if so how? Topic: Why is Passion 2013 a perfect example of how the right and left are merging both politically and spiritually? Part two will air Friday and will look at how Passion 2013 is promoting social justice among other dangerous and unbiblical philosophies.

Part Two of Worldview Weekend Jan. 4, 2013

Part Two: Passion 2013 Examined. Brannon’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Brannon and Chris discuss Passion 2013 taking place in Atlanta, Georgia with 60,000 Christian college students in attendance. Brannon and Chris break down some of the things being taught that do not line up with the Bible as well as analyze the worldview of some of the speakers and the musical group Jesus Culture. Topic: One of the musical groups at Passion 2013 is a group called Jesus Culture which came out of the Church of New Apostolic Reformation proponent and Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California; Bill Johnson. Brannon plays numerous sound clips from Jesus Culture band members as well as clips by their pastor Bill Johnson and students that are part of Johnson’s church. These clips will make it clear that this group is following a different Jesus, a different gospel and embracing mysticism. Topic: A Jesus Culture member talks about working with New Apostolic Reformation leaders Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle and Bill Johnson. You will not believe the heresy revealed in some of these audio clips so hang on. Topic: Hear audio clips of Giglio and Gary Haugen speaking at Passion 2013. Topic: When John Piper spoke at this conference last night did he call out the false teaching and false teachers? Even if Piper gave the gospel did he still violate 2 John 9-11, 2 Corinthians 6:14 and Romans 16:17 by being there? Topic: What is worship? Is worship an experience? Is worship a feeling? Is God pleased if worship songs are led by unbelievers and false teachers? Topic: Why is this conference a real case study in where and how the modern-church is being deceived and co-opted and how should Biblical Bereans respond? Topic: Why are so many pastors not informed about the biggest false teaches, and trends in the modern church today?

Sola Sisters: Problems at Passion 2013

Christine Pack provides several links, reproduced here.  She writes...

"Do you know any youth currently attending Atlanta's Passion 2013 Conference (Jan 1-4)? If so, you need to read this article and follow the links below, because apparently Passion leaders John Piper, Beth Moore, Louie Giglio and Francis Chan want to introduce your teenagers to the Jesus Culture band (who are out of Bill Johnson's church in Redding, CA, he of the "glory cloud" infamy) and Judah Smith (whose wife is an ordained pastor in rebellion to God's word which states that women are not to teach men). Still think it's okay? Read on.

This year's Passion Conference features a mixed bag of teachers, from those perceived to be very solid to the very questionable, doctrinally speaking. Below are a few articles and talk shows about this year's conference, and I will add more as they become available:"

Louie Giglio, Passion 2013 and Jesus Culture 
Jesus Culture - You Sure It's The Real Jesus? 
Problems at Passion 2013 - Louie Giglio at Session 1 
Jesus Culture (of Bill Johnson's Bethel Church) and Raising The Dead? 
Chris Rosebrough Discusses the Problems at Passion 2013 
Brannon Howse Discusses Passion 2013 
Jesus Culture and Judah Smith to Join Piper, Moore, Chan and Others at Giglio's Passion 2013
Don't miss the second link above, or Has John Piper Lost His Mind?

Do Not Be Surprised got the ball rolling.  Thanks to Erin for the great work.

Kim Walker Smith claims to "see Jesus" and hear Him singing, and to be held in His arms.

If you can't find enough in these links to recognize that there is a great deception under way, and that Passion 2013 was another step forward for it, your head is in the sand. 


  1. Well, at least one young person actually took the time to look a little deeper, and has shifted course.

  2. Lecrae performing Go Hard at Passion 2013 on January 3rd 2013 in Atlanta Georgia.
    Is being sound theologically all that matters.John Piper,Al Mohler, Mark Dever, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll promote this guy.

  3. Clearly it isn't all that matters. There is a place for "Secondary Separation". We are not only to separate from genuine false teachers, but to also separate from those that refuse to separate from genuine false teachers. Of course, by false teachers I do not mean anyone that disagrees with us on fine points of eschatology, but those that are preaching and teaching another Christ and worshiping another god, even if they call him "Jesus".

  4. Phil Johnson and Todd Friel quickly discuss "Jesus Culture"!

  5. 1-Have you simply put all of this online, or, as scripture instructs you, have you gone to them, then to their superiors? Putting up a sight like this to slam people is violating scripture just as you claim these people are.

    2-Who are you reaching for the gospel by doing this sight? What procuctive thing are you doing for the Kingdom?

    3-Did not Jesus one big prayer contain; "that they may be one as we are one?"

    4-Would your time and effort be much more productive for the Kingdom by trying to get more people into it rather than pointing out splinters in other people's eyes?
